Seychelles rupee (SCR) currency exchange rates
Top currency exchange rates at Convertworld
USD | EUR | GBP | JPY | AUD | CAD | CHF | CNY | SEK | NZD | |
0.0665 | 0.0609 | 0.0509 | 9.9507 | 0.0988 | 0.0917 | 0.0573 | 0.4711 | 0.6929 | 0.1091 |
Latest daily average exchange rates. Last updated: October 15, 2024 at 12:05 AM CET
Most popular currency exchange rate conversion pairs
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to U.S. dollar (USD)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Euro (EUR)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to British pound (GBP)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Japanese yen (JPY)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Australian dollar (AUD)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Canadian dollar (CAD)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Swiss franc (CHF)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Chinese renminbi (CNY)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to Swedish krona (SEK)
- Seychelles rupee (SCR) to New Zealand dollar (NZD)