
Convert meters to feet

How many feet in a meter? 1 metre is equal to 3.2808399 feet, which is the conversion factor from meters to feet.
Go ahead and convert your own value of m to ft in the converter below.

is equal to
If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for feet to meters
For other conversions in length, use the length conversion tool.

Facts about metre (m)

The metre, or meter (US), is a measure of length. It is the basic unit of length in the metric system and in the International System of Units (SI), used around the world for general and scientific purposes. The symbol for metre is m. Historically, the metre was defined by the French Academy of Sciences as 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the equator to the north pole through Paris. Now, it is defined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as the distance travelled by light in absolute vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. This is approximately the distance from floor to hip bone on the average barefoot man. See all conversions for meters here.

Facts about foot (ft)

A foot (plural: feet or foot;[1] symbol or abbreviation: ft or, sometimes, ′ – a prime) is a unit of length, in a number of different systems, including English units, Imperial units, and United States customary units. Its size can vary from system to system, but in each is around a quarter to a third of a metre. The most commonly used foot today is the international foot. There are 3 feet in a yard and 12 inches in a foot. See all conversions for feet here.

General information about m to ft

Conversion category:Length
SI standard unit for length:Metre (m)
Related categories:Area, Volume, Paper size, TV & monitor size, Angle

Other conversion pairs in length
