
Convert gallons to pints

How many pints in a gallon? 1 text not found (en): volume_gal:1 is equal to 7.99999394 pints, which is the conversion factor from gallons to pints.
Go ahead and convert your own value of gal to pt in the converter below.

is equal to
If you wish you can reverse the conversion by using the converter for pints to gallons
For other conversions in volume, use the volume conversion tool.

Facts about pint (pt)

The pint is a unit of volume or capacity in Imperial units and U.S. customary units, equivalent in each system to 1/2 of a quart, and 1/8 of a gallon. It is used mainly in the U.S., the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The value differs between countries, and according to whether the contents are wet or dry. See all conversions for pints here.

General information about gal to pt

Conversion category:Volume
SI standard unit for volume:Cubic meter
Related categories:Area, Length, Pressure

Other conversion pairs in volume
